Andrew Johnson Presidential Silver Medal
Born in a North Carolina log cabin, Andrew Johnson lacked a formal education, but proved to be a powerful and inspiring speaker, a skill which eventually took him from his tailor shop to the White House. Despite being a Southerner, Johnson was fiercely loyal to the Union during the Civil War. His loyalty won him the confidence of Abraham Lincoln, with Johnson becoming his second-term Vice President. When Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson became the unexpected 17th President of the United States. Congress clashed with the President over his refusal to include protections and civil rights for Black Americans in his reconciliation terms under Reconstruction of the South. Johnson further angered Congress when he attempted to fire Secretary of War Edward Stanton not once but twice, violating the Tenure of Office Act. This led to the first impeachment of a U.S. President, testing the checks and balances of the Federal Government envisioned by the Founding Fathers. He was acquitted by the Senate but did not serve a second term as President. Years later he was re-elected to the Senate, making him the only U.S. President to serve as a senator after their Presidency.
This stunning Presidential Silver Medal commemorates Andrew Johnson’s Presidency in 99.9% fine silver. It was expertly crafted by the United States Mint.